Vanderbilt University Medical Center

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Tag: DNA

Employee Spotlight

Following the clues through time: Old mummies, old bones and old teeth lead to new insight into disease for Katherine Van Schaik

By Bill Snyder

Radiology fellow moves from present-day patients to historical artifacts to understand health and illness

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Employee Spotlight

“Dr. Boehm, I believe you are my biological father.” A new son, a new daughter, and the letter that brought more love into a family.

By Wayne Wood

Frank Boehm was settling into retirement when things changed: “I once had three children and nine grandchildren. Now, I have five children and 11 grandchildren."

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Employee Spotlight

On a whim, Kaylon Bruner-Tran checked her family’s DNA. It led to family she didn’t know she had and a mother-son reunion after 50 years.

By Emily Stembridge

"Cultures can be very different, nothing is more powerful than family.”

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